Augsburg – Renaissance City

The highlights of Augsburg

Follow in the foot­steps of the Fugger and Welser fam­i­lies, the richest bankers of their time. Or dis­cover the city’s his­toric water supply sys­tem, which has been a UNESCO World Her­itage Site since 2019.

Experience —
See a different side to Augsburg

If you love history, winding alley­ways, art and culture, you can’t go wrong in Augsburg. As one of Germany’s most sig­nif­i­cant reli­gious cities, there is so much to explore here: his­toric sites of Christian and Jewish his­tory, sacred build­ings show­cas­ing a wide range of archi­tec­tural styles, and world-famous cul­tural treasures.

UNESCO World Heritage Site: the historic waterworks

Haus Sankt Ulrich’s quiet central location is perfect for anyone wishing to visit many of Augsburg’s attractions on foot.

On the paths of faith

The city is a great place to explore many his­tor­i­cal and holy sites. For example, you can immerse your­self in seven­teen cen­turies of Augs­burg his­tory at the Diocesan Museum and then visit Augs­burg Cathe­dral next door. Or learn about the influ­ence of the Augs­burg Con­fes­sion at St Anne’s Church, a former Carmelite monastery.

The Sacred Heart Church also has a special atmos­phere with its neo-Romanesque façade and mag­nif­i­cent Art Nouveau nave. And if you want to jour­ney back to the present, why not visit the Church of St Moritz: remod­elled between 2010 and 2013? It offers reli­gious ser­vices along­side an array of concerts and exhi­bi­tions of con­temporary art.

Church of St Moritz
St Peter am Perlach

What connects Augsburg to Rome?

As the capital city of the Roman province of Raetia secunda, Augsburg has had close ties with Rome ever since it was founded. This long his­tory is also reflected in the city’s abun­dance of famous reli­gious build­ings. But that’s not all – depic­tions of »Mary, Undoer of Knots« hang in both cities. The orig­i­nal hangs in the St Peter am Perlach pil­grim­age church in Augs­burg, while the Vatican pos­sesses a replica. The por­trayal of Mary is unique: she is unty­ing knots from a long white ribbon with devo­tion. Her image has touched people all over the world, including Pope Francis.

Undoer of Knots

Welcome to the city…

… of stars on puppet strings at the Augs­burger Puppen­kiste marionette theatre just a five-minute walk from our hotel,

… of historic water towers — the oldest in Central Europe — just around the corner from Rotes Tor (red gate),

… that was presented with the Augsburg Confession in 1530,

… with the Mozart family’s parish church, Augsburg Cathedral,

… on the Way of St James, with a stop in the St James’ Church,

… with the largest Art Nouveau church in southern Germany, the Sacred Heart Church,

… with the church that connects the past and present like no other, the Church of St Moritz,

… with the Late Gothic Basilica of St Ulrich and St Afra and its »Sternenhimmel«, a starry vaulted ceiling ,

… with the world’s oldest Catholic social housing complex, the Fuggerei, and

… with the Fugger and Welser Museum, which is devoted to the two banking families who raised sub­stan­tial fund­ing to help Charles V become elected as emperor.

The Fuggerei

You can find many more interesting ideas, suggestions and city tours when you visit Regio Augsburg, our tourist information website.

Or come and talk to us at the reception desk. We have plenty of recommendations to suit every­one and maybe even a couple of secret local suggestions.