At the foot of the Basilica

One-of-a-kind architecture

Baron Alexander von Branca (1919 to 2011) planned the build­ing in 1975. In 2009, it was reopened follow­ing exten­sive ren­o­va­tion work. The aim of the care­ful rede­vel­op­ment was to improve the facil­i­ties and create a modern and attrac­tive design for the build­ing complex.

About us —
Haus Sankt Ulrich

We do what we love — we love what we do. At Haus Sankt Ulrich, we have hosted groups and com­pa­nies and pro­vided space for events, sem­i­nars and cel­e­bra­tions for over 40 years. Around 85,000 people visit us every year. We go above and beyond the norm with a com­bi­na­tion of gen­eros­ity and famil­iar­ity, selected mate­ri­als, and state-of-the-art tech­nol­ogy. We do all we can to create a special atmos­phere and make you feel at home. The values of the Catholic church shape every­thing we do.

Our path

Haus Sankt Ulrich is situated in the tranquil former Benedictine monastery complex at one end of an imperial boulevard. Here, major events of the past meet the ideas of today.

A special place

Genius loci

Special places are visions that have become real­ity. Through­out his­tory, they have been able to com­mu­ni­cate with us, as they exude a spirit that lets us see the inten­tion behind the vision. The Catholic Basilica of St Ulrich and St Afra is exactly this kind of place. Here, you can feel the deep breath of his­tory and the many stories this church has to tell.


St Ulrich and St Afra

The Basilica of St Ulrich and St Afra is one of the most sig­nif­i­cant churches in the Bishopric of Augs­burg. This holy site is the final rest­ing place of the two saints, Ulrich and Afra, who the basilica is named after. Together with Saint Simpert, who was also laid to rest here, they are the three patron saints of the Diocese of Augsburg. We believe that the basilica is a unique place of con­tem­pla­tion and strength. It is a place of wor­ship, prayer, and a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for many pilgrims.

Take a seat, breathe deeply and look up at the mag­nif­i­cent Gothic »Sternenhimmel«, a starry vaulted ceil­ing. Or enjoy one of the organ con­certs, which are held here on a reg­u­lar basis. You will soon feel how easy it is to be at peace here.

St Ulrich and St Afra
St Ulrich and St Afra
Our private church – a spiritual oasis

Reflection and silence

There is a special place of silence at Haus Sankt Ulrich — our pri­vate church. You will find peace and unwind here, even on a hec­tic day. But above all, it is a place for per­sonal prayer, reli­gious ser­vices and com­mu­nal litur­gi­cal cel­e­bra­tion. As a guest of Haus Sankt Ulrich, you are warmly wel­come to use this spir­i­tual oasis at any time.

The modern conference hotel

The modern conference hotel

Haus Sankt Ulrich con­veys a sense of absolute relax­ation through its spe­cial loca­tion alone. Nestled in the heart of Augs­burg’s his­toric Old Town, it is sur­rounded by walls that have inter­est­ing sto­ries to tell. Sto­ries that date back over a thousand years. Sit­u­ated next door to the glo­ri­ous Basilica of St Ulrich and St Afra, Haus Sankt Ulrich boasts won­der­ful views across Augs­burg. The build­ing’s sys­tem­atic and styl­ish archi­tec­ture is also repli­cated in the inte­rior design.
