Legal Notices

Responsible for this service in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Tele­medien­gesetz, TMG):
Haus Sankt Ulrich Conference Hotel in the Diocese of Augsburg
Entity of public law

Kappelberg 1
86150 Augsburg

Phone +49 (0)821 3152 0
Fax +49 (0)821 3152 4008

VAT ID as per Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE 127 511 172

The Diocese of Augsburg is an entity of public law. It is represented by the Canon Dr. Wolfgang Hacker, Vicar General.


Responsible for content in accordance with Section 55 Paragraph 2 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (Rund­funk­staats­vertrag, RStV):
Haus Sankt Ulrich Conference Hotel in the Diocese of Augsburg
Entity of public law
Kappelberg 1
86150 Augsburg

Technical coordination:
Phone +49 (0)821 3166 4900

Concept and design:
Keller Maurer Design, Munich

Mic Brater, Munich

Oliver Jung, Munich
and others


As the content provider pursuant to Section 7 Para­graph 1 of the German Tele­media Act, the Diocese of Augs­burg is respon­si­ble for its “own con­tent”, which it pro­vides for use in accor­dance with gen­eral leg­is­la­tion. A dis­tinc­tion must be made between this “own con­tent” and links to con­tent from other pro­viders. In this respect, the Diocese of Augs­burg pro­vides “third-party con­tent” for use through the link. This con­tent can be described as follows:

Links are “live” (dynamic) references. When the Diocese of Augs­burg first linked to the third-party con­tent, it checked whether this might entail any respon­si­bil­i­ties under civil or crim­i­nal law. But it does not con­stantly check the con­tent in the links on its web­site for changes that might give rise to such respon­si­bil­ity. If it ascer­tains or others point out that link­ing to a spe­cific web­site entails a respon­si­bil­ity under civil or crim­i­nal law, it will remove the link to this website.


All content published on is pro­tected by copy­right law or other rights. The copy­right is owned by Haus Sankt Ulrich, the insti­tu­tions, organ­i­sa­tions and ini­tia­tives at Haus Sankt Ulrich or its licensers. Use of the con­tent as a whole or in part is not per­mitted with­out prior writ­ten per­mis­sion. Per­mis­sion to use the con­tent can be requested from the rights hold­ers. Per­mis­sion only extends as far as rights have been del­e­gated by the Diocese of Augs­burg, its insti­tu­tions, organ­i­sa­tions and associations.

Privacy Statement

Contact details for the in-house Data Protection Officer (Section 15 Paragraph 1 lit (b) of the German Church Data Protection Act (Gesetz über den Kirchlichen Datenschutz, KDG):

Diocese of Augsburg
Data Privacy Department
Fronhof 4
86152 Augsburg

Phone +49 (0)821 3166 8380 and 8383


Exclusion of liability for unjustifiably alleged costs

We make every effort to ensure that our web­site is accu­rate under copy­right law and we only use con­tent created our­selves plus licensed and licence-free works. If, how­ever, the web­site’s con­tent or lay­out vio­lates the rights of third parties or statu­tory pro­vi­sions, please imme­di­ately inform the respon­sible body stated in the Legal Notices. If we are made aware of legal infringe­ments, we will remove the rel­e­vant con­tent immediately.